- Scatter-loading Scatter-loading
- Scatter/Gather Scatter/Gather
- 视讯 video
- 讯号 signal
- [scatter把种子撒播在地里 scatter the fields with seeds
- 问讯 ask
- scatter 指将某物向四面八方扔去. When we scatter something we throw it in different directions.
- 影讯 movie news
- scatter指将某物向四面八方扔去. When we scatter something we throw it in different directions.
- 本报讯 it is reported
- scatter over/about 指随便扔,弄得乱七八糟 .Scatter over/about suggests that the throwing is done carelessly and causes a mess
- scatter over/about指随便扔,弄得乱七八糟 Scatter over/about suggests that the throwing is done carelessly and causes a mess
- 咨讯 information
- 报讯 alarm
- 和讯网 Homeway.com
- 聚合通信包括很多全局操作,比如广播通信(Broadcast),同步(Barrier)、全局归约(Reduce),散布(Scatter)、聚集(gather)等等。 Collective communication includes many kinds of global communication, such as Broadcast, Barrier, Reduce, Scatter, Gather etc.
- 聆讯 interrogation
- 恶讯使他焦急不安。 The bad news disquieted him.
- 新浪体育讯 Sina.com sports news
- 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。 He wore a poker face during police questioning.